Advantages CITOTEL
A free loyalty card
Book the hotels best available rate
Profitez d'offres exclusives sur vos voyages d'affaires
Citôtel provides you with the numerous advantages of a leading French chain: A geographically extensive range of pleasant quality hotels, a loyalty card and specific prices for your week end or stage evenings.
Hotels that garentee comfort and quality
All Cit’Hotel hoteliers throughout France are united by a quality charter. For your greatest comfort, our network guarantees:
- A personal and warm welcome.
- Excellent value for money.
- Regular audits to monitor quality conducted by an independent organisation.
In addition, you can’t fail to be seduced by the geographic and architectural diversity of our hotels. Each of our hotels has its own style and character. Whether you prefer town or country you will find a hotel in our network that satisfies you and lets you explore the rich heritage of the French regions