hotellerie restauration

Advantages Ambiance

6 mesures disponibles

Communication sans-fil

Mise en œuvre ultra-rapide

Measuring comfort and air quality

Available in 5 versions, the sensor Ambiance LoRa allows you to control and monitor the air quality and use of indoor spaces.


Real-time monitoring & analysis of ambient air quality

  • Installation ultra-fast : No wiring modifications required.
  • 6 measurements available : Temperature, humidity, presence, brightness, CO2 and satisfaction.
  • Wireless communication : Real-time data transmission via the LoRa network, a secure, long-range communication system capable of covering distances of up to 15 km.
  • 2 communication modes : Secure data transmission every minute via LoRaWan or 4G.
  • 5-year warranty : Ewattch, a French manufacturer, offers a 5-year warranty on all its high-quality products.

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