hotellerie restauration

Advantages Bed bugs training

A rigorous control

Personalized training

Know the control methods

As part of a professional management of bed bugs in your establishment, it is essential to rely on your technical teams : room staff, maintenance staff, etc.

They know their workplace and will be in the best position to monitor the presence of bed bugs on a daily basis and report it as soon as doubt arises.

As part of the prevention of bedbug infestation in tourist establishments, we provide our know-how during personalized training for all of your teams.

The objectives of this training:

  • Recognize a bed bug and differentiate it from other harmful insects.
  • Understand its biology and way of life.
  • Understand how to diagnosticate a situation.0
  • Implement a rigorous daily control protocol.
  • Know the different control methods.


On demand


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