hotellerie restauration

Advantages Domofocus

Excellent heat performances

High efficiency

Unique high-end design

“A composition that rhythmically structures space.”

The Gyrofocus at long last has a more compact twin: the Domofocus. Its larger hearth opening gives it a more generous smile than its forebear.

Apart from its smaller size, it shares all other characteristics, including elegance, with the Gyrofocus.

The Domofocus is availablein 3 energy types : 

  • Ecodesign Wood: It answers to the environmental norm Ecodesign 2022. Smaller in size and with a perfect integration of its sliding glasses, it is an exceptional and timeless model.
  • Bioethanol:  A true revolution, the bioethanol Domofocus, like the Gyrofocus, can feature in spaces where it was previously impossible to install a fireplace: in an apartment on any floor, on a concrete or IPN beam, under a mezzanine, etc. There are no longer the usual constraints restricting the position of a fireplace in the room: these models are not bound by the conventional requirements for flues (if the situation allows it).
  • Outdoor Wood

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