hotellerie restauration

Advantages By-me Plus

Comfort and efficiency

Design to satisfy any style

Continuity and attention to details

By-me Plus is the connected automation system based on a BUS paired cable and distributed logic, for the total control of lights, temperature, sound diffusion, curtains, and shutter automation, watering, energetic management, and multi-zone thermoregulation; for the best comfort and the best efficiency of all buildings.

From now on, it is possible to control spaces from one single point and in the easiest way possible: touchscreens, smartphones, and tablets guarantee integrated and unique user experience. Solutions developed for intuitive and immediate management of all function set, from the easy one like lights control and heating to the more complex ones like scenarios.

View App

Through the View App and the Vimar Cloud, you can be connected to your home from wherever you are with updates on what is happening inside and outside the building. The App integrates a powerful notification machine, it is completely customized (graphic backgrounds, homepage with favorites, scenario creation and more), and it supports all functions in the system.

Functions can be controlled also through smart speakers, programmable electronic controls, flush-mounted touchscreen, smartphones, tablets, and PC.

Smart home functions

With By-me Plus you can turn your home into a wellness oasis where it is possible to find favorite climate conditions.

Its evolved as well as user-friendly technology controls sound reproduction, manages the lighting and commands automation. With By-me Plus it is possible to control the climate smartly and monitor the energy consumption in real-time (even water and gas).
A smart home that takes care of the whole family’s needs.

Lights and scenarios management

It is possible to regulate the lights intensity managing any kind of lamp: incandescent, fluorescent, LED and energy saving with the ability to furnish all environments with colorful light effects. Laser-engraved icons indicate the function and, with just one control, you can switch off all lights.

Through the creation of events, the system enables the management of already decided functions at a certain time or in a specific situation.

Lights and roller shutters automation

The IP platform with By-me Plus gateways enables an easy connection of lights and roller shutters systems based on Plug&Play preconfigured devices, assuring a functional upgrade with a little effort and a minimum price for the user.

Sound system

The Vimar system manages until four different sound sources and enables different sounds depending on the room: classical music in the living room, the latest hit in the kitchen and the radio in the bedroom.

Every space has its music (even using an iPhone or iPod), with a faithful reproduction thanks to digital signal’s transport and an elevated quality of loudspeakers.

Temperature control

Smart home solutions to heat up and cool down can be controlled both rooms by the room, with elegant thermostats or electronic flush-mounted probes, and from a single point. Perfect for any kind of thermoregulation system (underfloor heating, with radiators, fan-coil or split system), they allow the optimal management of the climate.

In this way, waste can be reduced thanks to the indication of exceeding the optimal values of consumption and ensuring the maximum environmental comfort even through

Loads control and energy saving

Smart management of energy produced by a possible photovoltaic system, which is conveyed on already selected household appliances, reducing network withdrawal and supporting the maximum self-consumption.

In case of excessing of the contractual limit, the system switches automatically some loads off, following the priority earlier decided and preventing a blackout.

Aesthetic coordination

Design to satisfy any style.
Solutions perfectly balanced between continuity and attention to details that integrated perfectly design and technology ensuring the best personalization of shapes, materials, finishes, functions, colors, and pictures of the digital world. With Eikon, Arké, Plana, Vimar offers a total coordination thanks to the support of three civil series with chromatic and material versions.

These three styles suit any device, creating a perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics.

View Pro App: for professionals

Thanks to View Pro App, the installer can program all systems locally or remotely with a tablet or a PC. The Cloud service ensures the maintenance of all devices without working physically on the installation, guaranteeing a service with the highest security and privacy respect.


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