Advantages Clear Ice Maker
Easy to use
It only takes 24 to 28 hours to make clear ice
Reduce the cost of an ice ball to 1/20 of the traditional way
Mass produce clear ice in beautiful shapes effortlessly
We solve the ultimate questions for you. In other ways, you either make a trunk of clear ice to cut into pieces or only a few pieces in regular shapes. With our Clear Ice Maker, you can make 36 ice spheres, 48 ice sticks, 60 ice cubes or 60 ice diamonds without cutting from a big trunk.
By using our machine, you can reduce the cost of an ice ball to 1/20 of the traditional way.
Super easy to use
Press one button on the control panel and the machine will form clear ice in the shapes of the molds. No bother to cut a small shape from large chunk of ice. The IMT310 model makes 32 ice spheres or 60 ice cubes each time.
Time saving
It only takes 24 to 28 hours to make the clear ice with our machine. It is 1/3 of the time used by traditional ice factory.
Smelts slowly to keep the taste of spirits last
According to our lab, it takes at least five hours to melt the clear ice. You can enjoy your good wine for a longer time. The temperature of the core of the clear ice can reach -20°C.
Make the clear ice in-house
With our Clear Ice Maker, you are free to mass produce clear ice by yourself. You have full control over the safety, quality, quantity, and the process. More importantly, you are free from ice factories.