hotellerie restauration

Advantages CO-PILOT Navigation wizard

Unique and complete widget

Price comparator

Shortcut keys

CO-PILOT is a widget that assists the Internet user during his navigation by providing him with shortcut keys to the main accesses to the site: Contact details / Price comparison / E-Reputation / Special offers.

He does not pilot, he co-pilots because he must remain non-intrusive. Its usefulness is straightforward: Engage the reservation directly!

Co-pilot improves the synthesis of information by centralizing it for both the customer and the hotelier with a single administrator part to manage their website, their Neo, Echo and now Co-Pilot business software.

It avoids the addition of widgets on the official site’s home page by summarizing the information.


  • Co-Pilot is the first navigation assistant on the French market to have been developed by a web marketing agency that internalizes all the software and information it needs.
  • The few other solutions on the market are not as complete because either they are dependent on partnerships or they do not centralize as much qualitative information. In this lies all its specificity.

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