Wood type surface
The 'Wood type surface' can be applied over almost all surfaces
Wood type surface
Creating surfaces with 'natural water texture'
Prepared final surface without the need for paint
Natural shades that are included harmony in the architectural landscape of the area
During the Byzantine period the colored coatings or plasters, were mainly about mortars with high concentration of crushed ceramics and ceramic dust and occasionally pozzolan, which gave an hydraulic character, and the characteristic red color in the constructions. The colored byzantine coatings are shown in Byzantine ‘Basilikes’ from the early Christian period and dominated throughout the whole Byzantine period.
The evolution in the use of colored plasters from Byzantine times until today, was what led us to attempt to produce the modern colored plaster, having always in mind the recipes of the past. The Evomat, highly specialized in the production of mortars, by studying recipes of the past and today, created the colored plasters for high durability and aesthetics.
The Evomat presents the colored plasters with kourasani in 78 natural indelible shades. The colored plasters of Evomat are applied after the base coat at the stage of marbleplaster , completing the construction without the need to paint the building. The colored plasters are flexible , not crack , not peel and not detached. Based on the traditional ceramic dust, the pozzolan and other natural materials , the colored plasters create a shield of protection against the moisture and the water, and at the same time they allow to the components to breathe. The aesthetics of the colored plasters by Evomat is special because of the natural materials, the shades and the textures. The consistent quality and the shades of the colored plasters after years are our commitments.
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Panoramic wallpaper hollyhocks
Panoramic wallpaper produced in 1799, by Manufacturer Legrand
One of the most effective solutions for acoustic and decorative problems
Peg - Acrobate
This peg is a crafty little decorative accessory that can be fixed proudly to any wall in your home, both indoors and out