hotellerie restauration

Advantages Column Portasuaglass Model Z Metal Line

Custom Tailoring

Quality Craftsmanship

Adaptability and Compatibility

The transportable PortaSuaglass model Z column is made of metal and allows it to adapt to the suaglass. It is also made with the restaurant logo or chef’s initials and adapts to the size of the SuaGlass. We understand that creating personalized products requires time and patience, but don’t worry! We offer personalized after-sales service and constant monitoring of production to ensure maximum satisfaction with your purchase.We guarantee that each Tabloos product is unique, thanks to its high customizability and artisanal attention to detail.

All Tabloos products are handcraftedand require the right care and attention in their creation. Therefore, delivery times may vary based on the type of product ordered and the level of customization chosen.


  • Recommended height 75 cm
  • Also available in customized height
  • Many colors available
  • Possible application of the logo, restaurant name or initials.

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