hotellerie restauration

Advantages F-JPU70M, Ziaino™ air treatment unit

Non-mist operation

Inhibits bacteria and viruses

Effective sterilization and deodorization

Healthy sterilization

Our advanced technology electrolyzes tap water with salt to generate hypochlorous acid, which is an effective air sanitizer.
Vaporized hypochlorous acid released sanitizes living environments (up to 1,000 square feet) from adhered bacteria and viruses.

How does ziaino™ work

Ziaino™ air treatment unit generates hypochlorous acid from salt water by the electrode unit, and the rotary sterilization filter dips with the solvent. As the polluted air passes through the filter; bacteria, viruses and odor in the air are removed.
Hypochlorous acid is also vaporized and blown out with the airflow to inhibit the adhered bacteria and viruses synchronously.

Anti – virus and bacteria

Ziaino™ is an air treatment unit especially designed for eliminating 99.99% of virus (h1n1, ev71) and 99.97% bacteria( e.coli, aspergillus niger) from living spaces.

In addition to cleansing the indoor air, ziaino™ is also effective in reducing bacteria and viruses from frequently touched objects such as door handles, remotes, switches, furniture etc.


Ziaino™ air treatment unit not only cleans the air by the rotary sterilization filter dipped with hypochlorous acid, but it also vaporizes the solvent in the air. The vaporized hypochlorous acid decomposes the odor components of the smell in the air achieving 92% deodorization effect after 1 hour of use.

Non-mist operation

Instead of releasing hypochlorous acid as particulates by means of mist or spray, panasonic ziaino™ air treatment unit vaporizes hocl acid through the rotary sterilization filter and blow out by airflow after electrolysis of salt water.

The concentration of hypochlorous acid is less than 0.1 ppm that is much lower than the high limit of safety level*⁴ (eu standard -long term exposure 0.5 ppm*⁵).

Continuous disinfection

Ziaino™ comes with a water supply tank of 7-liter capacity; it allows the product to operate continuously for about 14 hours in medium speed after replenishment of water and salt tablet. It can minimize the resources for manual periodical disinfection.
Under condition of room temperature 20°c, r.h. 30%.
Time for water replenishment may differ subject to room condition, water consumption would be comparatively slow in humid or cold environment.

Adjustable electrolysis intensity

Ziaino™ features 3-level selection for the electrolysis intensity. The output amount of hypochlorous acid can be adjusted to improve the sterilization and deodorization effect in the room. Coupling with the 3-speed selection, the unit can clean the air efficiently in different environment


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