hotellerie restauration

Advantages Food contact paper wraps

Available to suit your needs

Used in Quick Service restaurant

The paper quality is suitable for food contact

CEE Packaging Solutions also manufactures sheets of technical paper, with personalized centered or continuous printing, especially for food service (wraps).

Food contact paper wraps protect and enhance food products.

Our technical food wraps are either coated or treated in the mass. They combine the characteristics of the paper (price, printability, quality of contact, authenticity, environmental protection) with barrier properties to grease or humidity, while maintaining low thicknesses, from 24 to 32 g / m².

Widely used in Quick Service restaurant (greaseproof hamburger wraps), it is also present throughout the food industry, food service, and other sectors.

Possibility of personalized printing flexography, withsolvent-free inks and water-based varnishes suitable for food contact.



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