hotellerie restauration

Advantages Owner Manager

Detailed statement

Automated processing

Automatic VAT calculation

Owner Manager : Because managing property owners is as vital as managing guests

Looking after all your stakeholders.

If you run a property portfolio, managing property owners is as vital as managing guests. Owner Manager keeps you a step ahead by automatically calculating and keeping track of fees and charges.

These are then included in a detailed statement that you can pass on to the owner, ensuring you get fairly rewarded for your services while maintaining a good relationship with all stakeholders.

Owner Manager Key Features : The ultimate owner managing solution

  • Owner Charges & Deductions

Charge property owners for any fees, repairs and expenses they’re responsible of and deduct any credit owed to them.

  • Detailed Statement

It takes only one click to generate a detailed statement that includes the charges and booking fees that you wish to pass on to the owner.

  • Automated Processing

Save time by automating per-booking charges, such as cleaning fees. The same applies for re-occurring deductions.

  • Convenient Templates

Add charges and deductions either on an ad-hoc basis, or by creating a template to reuse at your convenience.

  • Activity Reports

At-a-glance reporting of all charges, deductions, and booking fees for a given accommodation unit over a set period.

  • Automatic VAT Calculation

Add tax or VAT rates to the booking fees that you cross charge to owners with the click of a button.


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