hotellerie restauration

Advantages Paper Cups for hot drinks


Hygiene and food safety

Request with pre-printing in flexography

Thanks to one of the highest technology production site in Europe, CEE Packaging Solutions manufactures a complete range of paper cups for cold and hot drinks.

Coming from a renewable resource, the paper cup is a real responsible alternative to the plastic cup.
It comes in various sizes to suit your requirements: from 4 oz (10 cl) espresso to light coffee or 16 oz (40 cl) cappuccino. It has a suitable lid whatever its size meeting with new consumption patterns. We offer two generic ranges available from stock (Coffee City and World Map), as well as our generic cups.
You can also innovate with our new Earth Cup® , the 1st mono-material paper cup without polyethylene, which is compostable at home (patented innovation, OK Compost Home certified).


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