hotellerie restauration

Advantages ScoreBoard

Tailored reports and dashboards

Total revenue data and functionality

Automated daily or weekly reports

Hotels use ScoreBoard to build day-level forecasts in minutes and get instant business insights through custom reports and interactive dashboards.

Forecast in Minutes

With month-level entry and the flexibility to make adjustments at the stay date level, you spend minutes, not days, building forecasts and budgets.

More data than any other RMS

  • Ingests information like competitor data, web shopping regrets and denials, booking and reservation data, reviews and social media comments.
  • Designed for real-time integration to unify systems across your entire tech stack.

Diagnose and triage multiple properties with ease

Toggle between portfolio-wide reports that present the big picture, or drill down on property-level details.

Custom Reports

  • Informs unique and differentiated pricing strategies with highly visual, real-time reports and dashboards.
  • Allows you to create reports that standardize your revenue strategy across multiple properties.

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