hotellerie restauration

Advantages SDL Atrium plus

Concealed roof drainage

Interior or exterior shading available

keeps the climate comfortable at all times

The solarlux glass canopy sdl atrium plus is an uninsulated aluminium profile system with the structural members on the outside. By using profiles specially developed for this application, slim line designs are possible. Application areas are open, partially enclosed and closed patio canopies as well as uninsulated winter gardens and glass houses

Enjoy the outdoors all year round

Transform your patio into an oasis of peace and relaxation

The all-rounder

You can create extremely large areas of glass with immense spans and complex shapes

Wide range of accessories

Designer radiant heater, awning and energy-efficient, dimmable led spotlights

Enjoy that outdoor feeling all year round

The solarlux sdl atrium plus non-insulated glass canopy will transform your patio into an oasis of peace and relaxation. With a span of up to 5.72 m and a roof depth of up to 6.37 m, even greater transparency is possible, and complex custom shapes can be implemented without any problem. A permanent roof ventilation system keeps the climate comfortable at all times. It also offers an impressively high degree of pre-fabrication and short assembly times. When combined with the non-insulated sl 20e vertical sliding system, fixed glazing or the sl 25 slide-and-turn system, the glass canopy can be transformed into a glass house with protection on all sides. Its wide range of accessories, such as the designer radiant heater, awning and energy-efficient, dimmable led spotlights, make the sdl atrium plus an all-rounder that can cater to any requirements.


Profile technology

  • Non-insulated aluminium roof system
  • Roof pitch: 5 – 45°
  • Available with or without roof overhang
  • Available as a monopitch, pitched or custom roof or a stand-alone structure (sdl atrium carré)
  • Softline profiles for elegant design and high transparency
  • High bearing capacity and large spans due to steel reinforcement in rafters, eaves and pillars
  • Reduced costs due to quick installation times and high degree of prefabrication
  • Built-in spotlight rail and cable duct as lighting system
  • Interior or exterior shading available
  • Concealed roof drainage
  • Wide range of functional accessories


  • 8, 10 and 12 mm glazing; can be extended to form a glass house using vertical glazing

Surface finish

  • Ral powder coating
  • Eloxal in accordance with euras


  • Certified in accordance with din en 1090

Vertical elements

Recommended vertical elements :

  • Sl 20e, sl 22, sl 25, sl 25 xxl, sl 25r, sl 35, sl 45

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