hotellerie restauration

Advantages Solution buildings

Scalable software & intuitive

Improved occupant comfort

Reduce energy bills by up to 40%

Energy-saving and compliance solutions for buildings

Companies in the service sector face these two major challenges, which Ewattch® provides effective solutions.

  • Reduce energy bills by up to 40%.
  • Improved occupant comfort.
  • Monitoring consumption and implementing action plans.


The ultimate solution for energy optimization for buildings

Ewattch stands out as a key player in the commercial sector, offering a complete range of intelligent, integrated solutions that meet today’s business challenges, including carbon footprint reduction, corporate environmental responsibility and regulatory compliance.

  • Compliance : The solution, integrating IoT sensors and an IoT platform, enables tertiary companies to quickly comply with current and future regulatory obligations, including tertiary and BACS decrees.
  • Fast savings : Optimize your energy management and reduce your energy bill by an average of 30% in the first few months, while enjoying a rapid return on investment in less than three months.
  • Get started today : An Ewattch expert assists you in connecting your general meter to the EwattchCloud IoT platform, and guides you through the rapid development of your project with minimal initial investment.
  • Scalable software & intuitive : Would you like to go further, benefit from new functionalities or work with other companies? The Ewattch solution is designed to be compatible with a wide range of applications and partners.
  • Air quality : In addition to reducing energy consumption, the Ewattch solution optimizes occupant comfort and well-being, thanks to sensors for CO2, temperature, presence and other environmental indicators.
  • Multi-site : Centralize the energy management of your various sites on a single IoT platform to effectively prioritize your actions and optimize your investments.

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