Galaxy Gate®
Entrance system with the most sophisticated design and technology
Galaxy Gate®
Ongoing updates
User-friendly cloud platform
Effectively control and analyse
Wanzl connect® is a centralised, digital platform that enables retailers to effectively control and analyse business processes in the areas of administration and personnel scheduling. As a cloud-based store management system, it has a modular structure and can be expanded to meet individual requirements. Ongoing updates keep the platform up to date and help retailers optimise their operations.
Trolley shelter monitoring
Improved control of shopping trolley stock levels – Guaranteed shopping trolley availability for customers – Efficient personnel allocation through minimised checks – Reduction of third-party personnel costs.
The constant availability of shopping trolleys at the POS is a key requirement for orderly, efficient store operations. Insufficient trolleys or traffic jams in the trolley shelters can significantly impair the desired customer flow and, if they occur repeatedly, lead to the loss of customer retention.
From the store operator’s point of view, it is important to ensure that a shopping trolley (ideally the ‘right’ model) is always available to customers, and that it can be easily removed from and returned to the trolley shelter. This type of automated process should operate as far as possible without personnel allocation during store hours, but in the event of (imminent) malfunctions, it should be designed for rapid notification and correction by the responsible personnel.
With Trolley Shelter Monitoring, Wanzl’s trolley shelter monitoring system, store operators can ensure that their customers always have a trolley available when they enter the store. The benefits of systematic, digital on-site monitoring of the shopping trolley fleet increase with the size of the store entity or the number of trolleys and trolley shelters provided. Real-time live monitoring allows potential over- or under-capacity to be identified in advance, so that appropriate action can be taken by the responsible personnel immediately. This prevents waiting times for customers. With the technical capabilities offered by Trolley Shelter Monitoring, there is no need to personally monitor the trolley fleet; action is taken only in response to the warning messages issued. Accordingly, the effort required of personnel for the operator can be kept to a minimum.
Rfid tracking
Detailed data analysis on shopping trolley usage and shopping time – Analysis results help users to make strategic decisions – Scanning of shopping trolleys when entering and exiting the store.
The functionality of entry and exit systems at the POS has become increasingly important in the retail sector in recent years. This is mainly because they enable store entries and exits to be comprehensively tracked so that the associated customer movements can be accurately evaluated and you can use this data to identify consequences for your store operations.
With Wanzl Gate Monitoring, we are consistently following our motto for the conception and development of manual and electronic guidance systems:
Steering– Guiding– Demarcating – Protecting
The Gate Monitoring System provides a clear overview of all entry and exit systems within a store area. All the information can be accessed via the dashboard and analysed by different categories. Potential equipment failures can be quickly and accurately identified.
RFID systems can be used for a wide range of store management applications. The essential functions include automatic registration of shopping trolleys at the store’s entrance and exit and in the trolley shelter area. In this function, they can provide comprehensive information that – particularly when combined with other relevant data – enables a precise analysis of customer behaviour.
Wanzl uses RFID technology in particular for tracking and, on this basis, for store monitoring and analysis. The resulting data is transferred directly to the wanzl-connect software. Using this data, customers can get a precise overview of the current information they need over selected periods of time and use this information to make the best possible decisions – for example, when buying new trolleys for their own fleet of shopping trolleys.
Data can help retailers to optimise operations, better understand customer habits, and develop targeted marketing strategies. – Overview of lock statuses to avoid failures and ensure that customers always have a functioning shopping trolley available – Analysis of customer preferences when opening the lock.
The electronic locks for shopping trolleys
HybridLoc marks the beginning of a new generation of deposit return systems. In addition to the usual use of chips or coins, shopping trolleys with HybridLoc can now be unlocked electronically. Unlocking usually involves using a store app. The necessary functions can be integrated directly into the applications using the Software Development Kit (SDK).
Galaxy Gate®
Entrance system with the most sophisticated design and technology
YourTable®, the multifunctional presentation system for flexible product presentation and increased impulse buying
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