hotellerie restauration

Advantages Coffret Infinite Youth

Visible, perceptible rejuvenating effect that lasts

Rich in active ingredients without feeling heavy on skin

Takes both preventive and corrective action against the signs of ageing

Four well-ageing essentials

This set contains your well-ageing essentials :

Crème Riche takes both preventive and corrective action against the signs of ageing for a visible, perceptible rejuvenating effect that lasts.

Crème Veloutée leaves skin instantly more beautiful, offering a global re-energising effect and a real feeling of youth. It is rich in active ingredients without feeling heavy on skin.

Nectar d’Huiles Précieuses provides essential nutrients that soothe skin or allow it to face stressful environments that accelerate premature ageing.

Masque Onctueux targets the signs of tiredness or ageing, a lack of radiance and skin dryness. Its rejuvenating effect gradually transforms skin.


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