hotellerie restauration

Advantages Solutions de pizza mobiles

An independent itinerant pizzeria

It is powered by the special gas burner

The hob cooks 5 pizzas of 33cm or 6 of 28cm

The idea was born from an English company called UniversePizza specialized in “street food” producing the first pizza snack wagon in 2001, and from the creativity of an Italian company producing professional pizza ovens called Forni Dorigo with more than 20 years of experience in the sector.

Pizza any place : 

It’s all set up internally,  it is an independent itinerant pizzeria; It can be powered by a silenced generator or directly to the power line.

Oven : 

The dome is positioned externally to the hob. The hob cooks 5 pizzas of 33cm or 6 of 28cm. It is powered by the special gas burner with the lowest consumption in the world.


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