hotellerie restauration

Advantages Wifi network

Enhanced safety

Fast, reliable connectivity

Simple, customizable captive portal

The Wi-Fi network in hotels is now an essential pillar in meeting guests’ growing expectations in terms of connectivity. This service plays a major role in the overall accommodation experience, offering fast, reliable wireless connectivity to an increasingly connected clientele.

Technically, a robust Wi-Fi network in a hotel implies a solid infrastructure. This includes strategically distributed Wi-Fi access points to effectively cover the entire establishment, high-performance network equipment, and advanced security protocols to protect guest data.

The technical characteristics of the Wi-Fi network in hotels are crucial to ensuring a satisfactory experience.

Access points must be able to support a large number of simultaneously connected devices, while offering high bandwidth to support guests’ streaming, downloading and other online activities.

Wi-Fi network reliability and availability are essential. Constant, stable connectivity is essential for travelers who rely on the Internet for work, leisure, communications and access to information.


The technical characteristics of a Wi-Fi network for hotels involve several components and specifications:

  • High-performance access points (APs): Use of quality APs, with recent Wi-Fi standards (such as 802.11ac or 802.11ax) for extended coverage and fast connectivity throughout the establishment.
  • Centralized management: Use of centralized management solutions to monitor, control and optimize the network, enabling rapid adjustments in response to changing needs.
  • Advanced security: Implementation of robust security protocols, such as WPA3 encryption, firewalls and measures to protect against cyber threats, ensuring the confidentiality and security of customer data.
  • Adequate bandwidth: Provision of sufficient bandwidth to meet customer needs, taking into account the number of connected devices and online activities.
  • Seamless roaming: Implementing technologies that ensure seamless movement from one access point to another without interrupting the connection for guests on the move within the hotel.

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